During the week of Thanksgiving, we turn our thoughts toward things we are grateful for. Many families have everyone around the Thanksgiving dinner table tell something they are thankful for. Even those who don’t normally pray to thank God for their food at other times often take a minute for a prayer of thanks before the big meal.
But giving thanks isn’t just for Thanksgiving.
I have found that expressing thanks to God several times a day enormously helps me focus on what is good instead of on problems and negative situations. When I catch myself going down the rabbit hole of replaying in my head something that is bothering me, I turn myself around by thinking of my many blessings and thanking God for them.
Philippians 4:8 tells us to think about good things, such as noble, pure, right, true, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy things. When we focus on things like that, we can’t help but be grateful.
Regularly expressing that gratefulness to God and others is life-changing.
How do I know this? Well, I have become a more joyful, positive person since I have made a regular practice of giving thanks. Secondly, many scientific studies show the benefits of gratitude. Some studies have shown that just writing down three things per day for which you are grateful will change you from negativity to being happier and more successful.
Those who struggle with mental health problems can find more healing through practicing gratitude. And many other health problems have improved through increasing expressions of thankfulness. Here is a little video that mentions several proven benefits of gratitude.
No wonder the Bible tells us over 100 times to be thankful and to give thanks. God created our bodies, minds, and spirits to respond positively to gratitude.
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Philippians 5:18
In the comments, please share how giving thanks to God or to a person has had a positive effect on you.